Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Historian and Former Mayor Jana Haehl Shares Stories of Old Town CorteMadera

Ask your Willows what they learned about Corte Madera at the turn of the 20th century. Find out what MCDS was over 60 years ago! They should have plenty of stories to share.

What makes a community?

This is what Willows think:
-people having fun in one place
-people work together in a large group
-communities need rules so people can work together
-people gather like one big family
-lots of people make things and have fun
-people share a commons, something everyone can use
-strangers meet, like a big club
-there's something for everyone

Friday, October 25, 2013

Earthquake Trail at Point Reyes

Enjoy the photos from our recent field trip. What do you think Sharon is doing with the sunbutter and graham crackers? Playing with her food? Ask your child to explain.

Eighth Grader Shares His Passion for Halloween with the Second Grade

Real or Optical Illusion?

Demonstrating how a piston works.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Thank You to Author Liz Scanlon

Inspired by Liz Scanlon's A Sock is a Pocket for a Toe, students wrote their own. Erica Bretall created this Keynote to send to the author. You can see the students' creativity! Enjoy!

Modern Technology Lets Us Travel Back in Time

Using iPads and scanning QR codes to learn about Corte Madera at the turn of the 20th Century. Each student was able to see what his/her building was long ago. If you are interested you can travel back in time too.  http://oldtowncortemaderatour.weebly.com/index.html

Friday, October 18, 2013

Simple Machines and Biomimicry

In Gathering this week, we showed second graders two videos of insects that have simple machines in their bodies. One has a two-pronged lever and another has a gear. In case you are interested in seeing these insects in action, here is more information:

The Plant Hopper:

If you have Hulu, look for the David Attenborough series, Life in the Undergrowth: The Invaders from the Sea, Season 1: Episode 1. At about 9:45 you will meet the Springtail. Or if you want to use YouTube, here's a link:
This is not the whole section but it will show the Springtail in action.

Let us know if you know of any other examples of simple machines in nature.

Community Building and Gender Discussion in Willow

Together we created our class agreement.

In Willow we will:

  • be flexible, 
  • try our best, 
  • be allies for ourselves and others
  • have fun! 
We discussed what each one looks like in our lives. As our discussion continued and we addressed "being an ally for ourselves and others," one student mentioned buying a t-shirt in the boys' section because she really liked it. Her mom talked with her about her concern that other kids might make fun of her. She said, "I can be an ally for myself and stand up to them if they make fun of me."

We then continued to talk about other things that are seen as "boy" or "girl" things and how unfair that is. The idea of certain colors, toys and activities as only interesting boys or girls, not both incensed the Willows. As the conversation continued we introduced them to the word "stereotypes." The kids were so engaged and interested in the topic.

As a result of our conversation students started to notice some of these gender inequities in our world. 

  • a story a neighbor told her that boys and girls can do the same things as each
  • a grandmother's story of a friend who would dress up as a girl because he liked what girls wore and a special dance that they went to together
  • a discussion of colors that boys and girls should like. "Boys can like pink and purple, and girls can like green."
  • girls that dress like boys and it's okay

As a continuation of yesterday's talk, we read a book called The Best Beekeeper of Lalibela about a young Ethiopian girl who strove to be a beekeeper; however her community laughed at her because it was a "man's job." She was determined, persevered and proved that girls could do the same job as men. 

Parents, see if your child notices some of the gender stereotypes in our world. Let us know if they point something out to you. As second graders, fairness and equity are so important to them. This is the perfect time to engage them in these conversations. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Visit to Corte Madera Town Square

Yesterday we explores the town square. Willows studied and drew the historic buildings of Corte Madera. Then they surveyed the area for services and goods. Together they decided whether or not these goods and services are "wants or needs." In a few weeks they will take a virtual trip back in time and compare present day Corte Madera to the town at the turn of the 20th Century. Stay tuned to learn about their discoveries!

Thank you to Jill, Tiffany, Erika, Julie, Kelly, Anita and Heather who chaperoned the groups yesterday.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Trey's Birthday Celebration

Trey was surprised by the birthday festivities held in his honor.

Thought you might all enjoy watching the heart-warming video from the Willows. Thank you parents for all your help with this project. Special thanks to Ariel for compiling this moving tribute.

Trey's Birthday Video

Introduction to Programmimg

Today Willows tested Cargo-Bot, a programming app. We focused on the tutorial to familiarize themselves with the app. Willows collaborated, failed, and tried to learn from mistakes. Believe it or not we welcomed the challenge and celebrated the perseverance. We will keep working on Programming while half the class is with Jason at Culinary Farm. Try it out!! It's much harder than it looks!!